Saturday, January 18, 2014

Happy 2014 - Here's to new beginnings

Beginnings. Isn't that what the new year is all about? Of course if you really want to start something new, I would argue the best time to start is today. No judging from me, I totally fall into that "well, I'll start it on Monday" trap. People set New Year's Resolutions, choose one word to live by for the year or in my case, I'm choosing a bible verse to focus on for the year. I didn't come up with it on my own but isn't it ingenious?? I should have thought of it years ago. Just think how my heart might be molded today. But it is foolish to harp on the past because that will hinder the what I can learn today.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Phillipians 4:8

There are so many places that we can start but for me the place that makes the most sense is in my mind. How do I rid my mind of toxic thoughts? Toxic thoughts that stunt growth in my relationship with Jesus? How can I be the hands and feet of Jesus if my thoughts are all messed up? I must rid my mind of selfish thoughts, thoughts of failure and not being good enough, thoughts of comparison (women are so bad about that), thoughts of guilt and all other negative thoughts that are floating in this crazy spaghetti noodle head of mine.

I remembered this verse from Phillipians 4:8 that spells out for even the slowest of learners what our thoughts should be. Of course!! Think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. Surely, those thoughts will crowd out the negative ones...eventually. I previously posted that I have unrealistic expectations. I'm not going to magically only have "the right" thoughts - though my flesh would prefer that instant gratification. It's about baby steps, friends.

So, I'm starting with expectations that are possible. When I catch myself having a negative thought, I stop myself and replace it with a positive one. This is already life changing for me. I can feel my heart change every time I do this. That is all of the motivation that I need. A girl can't ask for much more than a happy heart.

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for loving me. Thank you for showing me your Word on the types of thoughts I should have. I pray that when negative thoughts invade my mind, Lord, you will urge me to think about whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - anything that is excellent or praiseworthy. I pray that my heart will be open to the changes you are asking me to make. In Jesus' name, Amen

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Isaiah 49:23b

Then you will know that I am Lord. Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.

This verse makes my heart burst with confidence. Since Sunday, I can't tell you how many times I have repeated it. As a woman with control-freak/perfectionist tendencies(don't judge, I'm working on it), I have some problems. I admit it - My name is Abbie and I set unrealistic expectations for myself and others. Does anybody know what setting unrealistic expectations leads to??? You got it - a sense of failure and DISAPPOINTMENT.

But there is good news, if I step away from what my mind/person desires and truly know God - there is hope. I'm talking putting all of my faith and trust in Him, stepping out of my control-freak comfort zone and truly letting Him lead me. I can hope (desire with expectation of obtainment/expect with confidence) in Him and in doing so I will not be disappointed. Isn't that what we all want, less disappointment and more peace?

Lord, thank You for loving me. Please forgive me for trying to be in charge and ignoring Your plan for me. I put all of my hope in You so I will know Your peace and Your perfect love. In Jesus name, AMEN



Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Good Intentions

Well, I started the day off on a total high. The new Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study (OBS) "A Confident Heart" by Renee Swope started today. I was sitting in the study with my laptop, coffee, Bible and my signed copy of "A Confident Heart". I read Melissa Taylor's blog post, prayed for God to change my heart and even left a comment on the OBS blog. My enthusiasm was so evident in my comment that another participant commented she wanted to "high five" what I had written. And then I started creating a blog....

I am a full-time working Mom and spend a lot of hours staring at a computer screen. I am fairly competent when it comes to the systems I have to use at work. I even started a blog several years ago to document the funny things my girls say and do and share pictures with my family. So starting a new blog about how God is changing my heart everyday should be a piece of cake. Every Thursday is blog hop for OBS and I have yet to participate in blogging. I have felt God calling me to start a blog about the victories and struggles in my everyday life trying to be an obedient, Jesus-loving girl. So imagine how my super-fabulous mood immediately turned when I couldn't figure out how to get this darned blog set up the way I wanted (perhaps that was my problem..."the way I wanted).

Of course, instead of stepping back and seeking God's will in the situation, I got really frustrated and tried to do it in my own strength. I snapped at my family all day. Now I feel horrible for letting my emotions get the best of me. And thus tends to be the vicious cycle of my life.

I have entitled this blog My Teachable Heart because I am on a journey. A journey to know God's perfect love, to love and see others as Jesus does and to share my faith with anybody who will listen.

Dear Lord, Thank you for loving me even though I am so broken. I pray that I will pause and look for your wisdom and strength instead of trying to do things on my own. Help me to forgive myself when I fall and use it as an opportunity to further seek you and your perfect love.